Routine in destination object
When the conversion routine is in the destination class, we use a one-argument constructor. However, things are complicated by the fact that the constructor in the destination class must be able to access the data in source class to perform the conversion. The polar data – radius & angle –are private, so we must provide special function to allow direct access it.
#include <math.h>
class polar
double radius,angle; //x and y cordinate
polar() //constructor
{ radius=0.0;
angle=0.0; }
polar(double r, double a)
{ radius=r; angle=a; }
void display()
{ cout<<"(" <<radius<<","<<angle<<")"; }
double getr()
{ return radius; }
double geta()
{ return angle; }
class rectangular
double xco,yco; //x and y cordinate
rectangular() //constructor
{ xco=0.0; yco=0.0; }
rectangular(double x, double y)
{ xco=x; yco=y; }
rectangular (polar p)
double r=p.getr();
double a=p.geta();
xco=r * cos(a);
yco=a * sin(a);
void display()
{ cout<<"(" <<xco<<","<<yco<<")"; }
void main()
rectangular rec; //rectangular using constructor1
polar pol(10.0,0.785398); //polar using constructor1
rec=pol; //convert polar to rectangular using conversion function
cout<<"\nPolar Values=";
cout<<"\nrectangular Values=";